Create a Colorful Rainbow Carousel App with Vuetify

Last updated on May 05, 2022
Create a Colorful Rainbow Carousel App with Vuetify

Here’s what we’ll be creating today:

You’ll see how easy it is to build something like this, with the awesome power of Vuetify.

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Displaying the Colors

To start, we’ll display the colors. We’ll create a colors variable, initialized to an array of all the colors of the rainbow — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

To create the carousel we’ll use the v-carousel component. We’ll use v-carousel-item to add a slide to the carousel. Using the v-for directive we loop through each color in colors and add an item to the carousel to show it. We’ll do this by creating a v-sheet component and setting its color property.


      <v-carousel-item v-for="color in colors" :key="color">
        <v-sheet :color="color" height="100%" tile>
export default {
  name: 'App',
  data: () => ({
    carousel: 0,
    colors: ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', '#7f00ff'],

Showing the words

Now let’s display the sentence. It’s a 7-word sentence, so each word is displayed in one slide. We’ll position the word at the vertical and horizontal centre of the slide using v-row. With the JavaScript string split() method, we’ll divide the sentence into an array of the seven words.


      <v-carousel-item v-for="(color, i) in colors" :key="color">
        <v-sheet :color="color" height="100%" tile>
          <v-row class="fill-height" align="center" justify="center">
            <div class="text-h2">
              {{ words[i] }}
export default {
  name: 'App',
  data: () => ({
    carousel: 0,
    colors: ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', '#7f00ff'],
    words: 'These are the colours of the rainbow'.split(' '),

Changing the Delimiter Icon

Look at the icons that indicate each slide. They’re round. Let’s change them to short rectangles each, by changing the delimiter-icon property of the carousel to mdi-minus:


    <v-carousel delimiter-icon="mdi-minus">
      <v-carousel-item v-for="(color, i) in colors" :key="color">
        <v-sheet :color="color" height="100%" tile>
          <v-row class="fill-height" align="center" justify="center">
            <div class="text-h2">
              {{ words[i] }}

Displaying Arrows on Hover

Currently, the carousel arrows are always displayed. Let’s make them visible only when the user hovers over them with the mouse:


    <v-carousel delimiter-icon="mdi-minus" show-arrows-on-hover>
      <v-carousel-item v-for="(color, i) in colors" :key="color">
        <v-sheet :color="color" height="100%" tile>
          <v-row class="fill-height" align="center" justify="center">
            <div class="text-h2">
              {{ words[i] }}

Hiding the delimiter background

You can see there’s a grey rectangle at the bottom of the carousel. This is the background of the delimiters. We don’t want this rectangle to be visible so let's set the hide-delimiter-background property to hide it:


      <v-carousel-item v-for="(color, i) in colors" :key="color">
        <v-sheet :color="color" height="100%" tile>
          <v-row class="fill-height" align="center" justify="center">
            <div class="text-h2">
              {{ words[i] }}

Setting Automatic Transitions

To make the carousel automatically transition to the next slide without having to click the right arrow, let’s set the cycle property. The interval determines the amount of time the carousel remains on one of its items before moving on to the next. Here we set an interval of one second.


      <v-carousel-item v-for="(color, i) in colors" :key="color">
        <v-sheet :color="color" height="100%" tile>
          <v-row class="fill-height" align="center" justify="center">
            <div class="text-h2">
              {{ words[i] }}

Changing the Transition

We can also change the animation the carousel uses when it wants to switch out the item it is currently displaying. By default, the current item slides out to the left as the next one simultaneously slides in. Let us make the current item fade out instead, while the incoming one fades in. This is the fade-transition we set to the transition property of the v-carousel-item. We’ll also do the same for the reverse transition — the current slide will fade out as the previous one fades in.

        v-for="(color, i) in colors"
        <v-sheet :color="color" height="100%" tile>
          <v-row class="fill-height" align="center" justify="center">
            <div class="text-h2">
              {{ words[i] }}

And just like that, we’ve made ourselves a nice rainbow carousel app with Vuetify!

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